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Our Family of Professionals & Teachers

The knowledge, expertise and dedication of our staff are keys that unlock the Star Learners’ difference.
We are looking for outstanding educarers, teachers, principals and support staff to provide high standards of care for our children and to bring our Literature-based Curriculum and lessons to life.
Our corporate functions also play a pivotal role in the continued growth and development of the organisation. We welcome thinkers, communicators and collaborators on our Curriculum & Training, Premises, Brand Experience & Communications, Finance, People and Information Technology teams.
Available Positions
Number of Dedicated Staff


Staff with us for more than 3 Years


Our Longest-Serving Staff


Growth Trajectory

Career Pathways for Corporate Functions
Besides moving upwards in specialised fields, we provide lateral growth opportunities for staff members to develop other areas of interest. Hear from some of our staff who have grown with us below!
Career Pathways for Educarers and Teachers
We are believers of our craft and empower staff through consistent exchange of rigorous and rich professional dialogues, centre-initiated projects and more. Find out more here.
Of Careers and Callings

Hear from our dedicated and outstanding staff

My crazy colleagues are like a family, like a really good team. Their laughter and a good cup of coffee help me pull through busy periods.

Nuriryani AdlinaPayroll Executive

Star Learners is a progressive company with a clear vision that resonates with me. I have been with Star Learners for more than 10 years and in this time, I am constantly challenged and nurtured to become a more capable and visionary professional.

Bhavani D/O KrishnasamyPrincipal and 2019 ECDA Promising Early Childhood Leader Nominee

Star Learners 将我从一个职场新人转变为具有专业性的幼儿老师,一系列的职业培训成功地把我的弱点转化为强项。在这个温馨的大家庭里,我将全力以赴地工作。

Tay Wei YuenChild Care Teacher

The StarbeamTM curriculum is extensive and I find myself learning new things all the time! I never knew who Vasya Kandinsky was until I read “The Noisy Paintbox” with the children. It was a perfect opportunity for me to show my children that as an adult, I am constantly discovering and gaining new knowledge as well.

Quek Ying Ying LeanneChild Care Teacher and 2019 ECDA Promising Early Childhood Teacher Award Winner

I was going through a challenging time in my life and had to give up my role as an educator, which I loved. Knowing how much I wanted to stay in Star Learners, the organisation provided me with the support I needed and gave me the opportunity to try out roles in the corporate functions. I am grateful to be where I am now and look forward to a bright, hopeful future with them!

Atiqah Bte JamaludinCurriculum & Training Executive
A proud adopter of Tripartite Standards
Star Learners Group has adopted the Tripartite Standards and has committed to be a fair and progressive employer.