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Is your child getting ready to graduate from kindergarten? What a joyous milestone for you and your family!

Amidst the excitement, it is only natural to think about the possible challenges that you and your child will face as they transition to formal schooling. How will they fare in a new environment? How prepared are they to navigate the changes? How can you, as a parent, be sure your child is ready for their next adventure? 

Let us help you out. For starters, here’s how to assess your child’s readiness for Primary 1.

To be ready for Primary 1, your child should be able to…

Carry out daily routines independently

Stepping into Primary 1 definitely requires independence from your child. They will be doing many things on their own, from handling bathroom breaks to getting their own meals and snacks during recess time. It is a whole new level of responsibility for them! Even if your child is not ready now, do not fret. The reassuring news is that these skills can be easily developed!

At Star Learners, we actively nurture these skills by giving children opportunities to develop their confidence in carrying out simple tasks independently. 

Be it guided toilet breaks or returning their cutlery after meals, our supportive environment helps children develop the independence needed for the everyday routines of primary school. At the Kindergarten 2 level, children are also taught essential skills such as counting money, to prepare them for when they purchase items at the bookshop or canteen in their primary school. Parents are also encouraged to reinforce and practise these skills with their children at home. 

The comfort and familiarity of these routines not only help them settle in faster but also contribute to a sense of security in their new school environment.

Make friends and work together

Collaboration is a key ingredient in learning, both in school and beyond. As adults, the ability to interact and collaborate with others remains a valuable skill. At Star Learners, we believe in laying the groundwork for these essential skills in the early years.

Ensuring that your child knows how to work effectively with peers is crucial. Simple steps, like arranging playdates with friends, can help them build social skills outside a school setting.

In our nurturing environment, we go the extra mile to instil collaboration among peers. Through ample and varied opportunities for group work and activities, children under our care learn how to collaborate, share and take turns with others in many ways.

Take our Star Project, for instance. An annual signature event, this project brings together children from different classes and levels to participate in a centre-wide initiative. Together, they brainstorm and work together to come up with various outputs, led by a chosen picturebook. Over the years, our children have collaboratively presented inventions, board games, audiobooks and even meals for an event! Centres also actively participate in Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) projects that see children joining forces to make a positive impact on others’ lives – like our recent project where we shared goodies with the elderly!

These experiences not only instil a sense of responsibility and teamwork, but also highlight the incredible power of collaboration in various situations.

Articulate needs and wants clearly

Not forgetting this important skill — the secret weapon that ensures your child can always ask for help or support when needed. Plus, it ties into their communication skills, a crucial part of their development. 

As a parent, you play a key role in helping your child build this skill. Talk to them about how primary school systems and procedures work, emphasising that teachers or even their seniors are there to guide them whenever necessary. You can also go over your child’s school handbook together — it is a handy guide most primary schools will provide. Going through it together can help your child understand the common procedures in his or her new school.

Another important aspect is teaching your child how to ask for help or permission. In primary school, this might mean asking the teacher for permission to leave the classroom, say, to use the bathroom. This is something you can practise with your child at home.

At Star Learners, we ensure our children are ready for the world beyond preschool by equipping them with necessary literacy skills through our unique literature-based curriculum. It is a vital part of our preschool programme, as we prepare our little ones for the adventures that await them in primary school.

Let us help you prepare your child for Primary 1

If you are on the lookout for extra support in gearing up your preschooler for Primary 1, we have got your back at Star Learners! We are here to teach not just ABCs, but also the A-to-Zs of readiness to make sure your child is more than set for the big transition.

Keen to find out how we do that? Register your interest for a virtual tour at any of our 44 Star Learners centres island-wide. Enquire with us today to kick-start your child’s learning adventure!