Frequently Asked Questions
Programme and Curriculum
Why a Literature-based curriculum?
We believe stories are a fun way to get young children interested in learning. We see picturebooks as a springboard to various lessons, as they allow children to respond to stories in a variety of ways. Children engage their different senses through drama, writing, art, music and movement and games. Lessons in our literature-based curriculum are amplified through activities which help hone a combination of skills essential for the 21st century. They learn how to take perspectives, collaborate and think critically, creatively and empathically.
What will my child learn in Star Learners?
We strongly believe in helping children develop essential skills that will take them way past their early years. Our proprietary Starbeam™ Framework encapsulates the skills necessary for the 21st century as identified by the World Economic Forum, such as critical thinking and problem-solving. Beyond that, we have a host of complementary programmes that are designed to nurture children holistically. We also offer a variety of enrichment programmes in collaboration with quality partners to further our children’s strengths and interests, no matter how varied they may be.
How can my child learn Math through stories?
Numeracy is one of the six domains in our Starbeam™ Framework in which children acquire knowledge, skills and dispositions in. Through our literature-based curriculum, children focus on the exploration and application of mathematical concepts in context to the stories we read. To amplify these lessons, our skill-based Math Programme solidifies Math concepts in a progressive manner to ready our children for formal schooling.
How do you nurture Chinese language abilities in the early years?
Our Chinese curriculum is designed to develop interest and enjoyment of the Chinese language. This is done through various interactive lessons covering games, experiments, dramatisation and needless to say, picturebooks! In K2, we further hone their language skills by introducing them to Hanyu Pinyin as they prepare for Primary School.
Besides language abilities, we also instill an appreciation of the Chinese culture via activities like calligraphy and poetry.
What will my baby learn in infant care?
Our Infant Care curriculum and lesson plans are designed to stimulate the senses and engage developing infants at every stage, encouraging them to explore freely to reach their key developmental milestones.
Guided by a relationship-based approach, qualified infant educators foster meaningful connections with each child. Through these bonds, the littlest ones are guided and engaged in a variety of activities that enhance their overall development: Art & Craft, Motorskill activities, Music & Movement, and Storytelling.
What if my child is slower/ more advanced than other children? Can I change class level?
Our educators will work hand in hand with the child as well as parent to ensure continued learning and development, no matter their pace. We do not recommend changing class level as this will affect their learning in the long term.
What kind of enrichment programmes does each centre offer?
The enrichment programmes offered vary from centre to centre and is dependent on demand. Kindly check with the centre Principal for more information.
What mother tongue languages do you offer?
Currently, we only offer Chinese as a mother tongue language in all our Star Learners centres. The curriculum is very comprehensive and provides our non-Chinese children a wonderful opportunity to pick up a third language at school. We are glad to share that many of our parents have expressed delight at their children picking up the Chinese language well, while they work to reinforce their mother tongue language at home.
My child has a developmental delay/ has special needs. Can he/ she enrol in Star Learners?
As a preschool that promotes diversity and embraces inclusivity, we do accept children with additional needs on a case by case basis. We will need to assess the child’s suitability and may ask for detailed information from parents and child’s doctor before we advise further.
Administrative Matters
Are school bus services available?
We understand how important convenience is for our parents. As such, we offer bus services at centres where demand is sufficient. Do approach your preferred centre to find out more.
How do I know if my preferred Star Learners centre is SPARK-certified?
You will be able to see displays of SPARK banners and/ or plaques at SPARK-certified centres. You may also check if your preferred centre is SPARK-certified by clicking on the specific centre page here.
How can I stay updated on my child’s daily activities and school matters?
Parents are encouraged to stay connected with us via our Star Learners Parent App to:
- Receive updates on your child’s class activities and progress
- Daily records of feeding times, nap schedules, and diaper changes (infants only)
- Access school announcements
- Submit consent forms, manage fees, and other admin requests
Search for “Star Learners Parent App” on the App Store or Google Play Store to download and install it on your mobile device.
Centre Matters
What is the teacher-child ratio?
We follow the teacher-child ratio stipulated by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA). The ratios for each level are:
Infants 1:5
Playgroup 1:8
Nursery One 1:12
Nursery Two 1:15
Kindergarten One 1:20
Kindergarten Two 1:25
How is toilet training supported at school?
Our educators observe each child for signs of readiness, such as their ability to communicate the need to use the restroom. Once the child is deemed ready, our educators will support them through the toilet training process during school hours. To ensure consistency and success, a strong home-school partnership is vital in reinforcing toilet training at home.
What are the guidelines on screen time in school?
At our centres, videos are used strictly for educational purposes.
For our youngest learners (PG-N1), screen time is limited to an average of two short videos (about two minutes each) per term. Our older children (N2-K2) engage with approximately six to seven videos per term, each around three minutes long. Any longer videos are shown in segments to facilitate discussion and interaction.
Enrolment Matters
Do you offer infant care services?
Yes, infant care services for young ones between 2 months to 18 months are available at our Sengkang Fernvale, Sengkang Rivervale, Tanjong Pagar, Woodlands 888 and Yung Ho centres.
Are there any schemes or discounts available to help defray school fees?
As an appointed Partner Operator, Star Learners is committed to quality care and education for Singaporean children at at affordable fees. Basic and additional subsidies are available to help further alleviate any financial burden on families. We also support single-mother households via our financial aid programme, Castle on a Cloud.
Is there a trial period for my child?
Yes, there is! We understand that change can be difficult for most people, especially young children. At Star Learners, we want to give children sufficient time to get used to their new environments. Hence, a trial period of one month is provided.
Should you face any challenges during the trial period, please get in touch promptly with the Centre Principal.
I’m moving house and want to enrol my child at another Star Learners. How can I do that?
Inform your current Centre Principal of your request, and she will work with the Principal of your preferred centre to ensure a smooth transition for your child. Please note that transfers are subject to the availability of vacancies.
I have enrolled my child and set a date for him to commence school. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I would like to defer his commencement date. Is that possible?
Unfortunately, our registration policy does not allow for deferment. Upon enrolment, we secure your child’s placement at the centre according to your preferred commencement date. Should we hold on to your placement, it would be unfair to other parents who are ready to commit. We encourage you to carefully consider your decision to enrol and ensure that your child is ready to begin his/her Star Learners journey at your intended start date.
I would like to withdraw my child before commencement. What do I need to do?
We understand plans may sometimes change, and that you know what’s best for your child in terms of caregiving arrangements. In the unfortunate event that your child is unable to commence his/ her Star Learners journey, please provide your centre with ample notice of 2 full calendar months in writing.
Please note the computation of one calendar month starts from the 1st day of the month. E.g. if the start date is 15 June, withdrawal notice must be given by 30 March.
I have provided the notice period of 2 full calendar months. Do I get any refunds?
All fee items, except for the registration fee of $130.80, will be refunded after notice is served. The registration fee is non-refundable as it is meant to cover all the administrative work required for enrolment.
I am unable to provide the notice period of 2 full calendar months. Do I get any refunds?
Unfortunately, the first month’s deposit and registration fee will be forfeited. Refunds will not be possible for the deposit as we have held your child’s slot at the centre, hence denying another child the opportunity to commence school in that month. The registration fee is also non-refundable as it is meant to cover all the administrative work required for enrolment.
What if I want to withdraw my child after the trial period?
Upon completion of the trial period, any withdrawal will require a regular notice period of 2 full calendar months.
What is the withdrawal policy for your child care or infant care programmes?
Our regular withdrawal notice is 2 full calendar months. Withdrawals must be made with the submission of an eWithdrawal Form via the Star Learners Parents App. Do note that the last day of attendance can only be at the end of the month.
What does ‘2 full calendar months’ mean?
The computation of one calendar month starts from the 1st day of the month.
Let’s illustrate with a few examples below:
- If the intended last day is 30th June, the eWithdrawal Form must be submitted by 30th April. The 2 full calendar months’ notice given is that of May and June.
- If the eWithdrawal Form is received on 15th May, the last day of attendance will be 31st July. The 2 full calendar months’ notice given is that of June and July.
Please note that full-month fees will be charged for the withdrawal notice period.
I have more questions regarding withdrawals. Who can I speak to?
Further details on our withdrawal policy can be found in our Parents Handbook on the Parent App. Should you need further clarifications on the process of concluding the journey, kindly approach your Centre Principal.
Teachers and Principals
How qualified are the teachers/ principals in your centres?
All of our teachers/ principals are ECDA-accredited. In addition, 80% of them hold Diplomas and/ or higher in early childhood education.
Is there a high teacher attrition rate?
We place great emphasis on our people and their welfare. Under the Partner Operator scheme by the Early Childhood Development Agency, we are committed to investing in the professional development of our people, and have in place training programmes and varied initiatives to keep our people happy, motivated and inspired.
Safety, Health and Hygiene
What measures are there to ensure my child’s safety and well-being at the centre?
We endeavour to provide an environment where children are safe and feel safe. Every staff member is made aware of their responsibility to ensure that the safety and well-being of every child is at the forefront of what we do.
Some of our measures include:
- Daily health checks every morning
- Regular cleaning and disinfection of toys, mattresses and lesson resources
- Frequent air quality testing to ensure readings are well above government-stipulated standards
- Immediate notification when your child has an accident or is unwell
- Only allowing authorised guardians to pick up the child
- External visitors to be accompanied by centre staff
- Ensuring all entrances and exits are closed at all times
- Installation of CCTV systems at all centres to support investigations, if any
What happens if my child is ill?
If your child is ill, we advise against bringing him/ her to the centre. This is to safeguard the well-being of other children and staff and prevents further spread of viruses.
A letter from a registered medical practitioner certifying that your child is fit to return to the centre may be required especially if he/ she is still displaying symptoms of illness. Otherwise, it is an indication to us that your child is still unwell and should rest at home. Sufficient rest is highly recommended as secondary infections could occur when your child’s immune system is still weak.
If your child requires to be administered medicine under our care, parents are required to fill in a “Medication Record Form” prior. Our centre staff will only administer medication that is directly prescribed for the child by a registered medical practitioner. More details on our Health Policy can be found in our ‘Parents Handbook’ on the Parents App.
How are meals for my child prepared at the centre?
We work with a halal-certified, AVA-licensed central kitchen which supplies our centres with main sauces and soups. The meal preparation works are then carried out in the centres by our cooks and kitchen assistants. Here’s how they are prepared.
Our menu is based on a 4-week calendar month and comprises a wide variety of cuisines to expose our children’s taste buds while meeting requirements of the Healthy Meals in Pre-schools Programme (HMPP). Meals incorporate food from the four main food groups – brown rice and wholemeal bread, meat and others, vegetables and fruit, allowing children to receive the right nutrients necessary for their growing needs.
My child is a fussy eater/ eats very slow. How can the centre help to ensure that my child takes his meals in school?
Our educators will work with the child to gradually encourage them to try different types of food and cuisines, and update parents on the progress. Using positive reinforcement strategies, we have seen successes in motivating children to enjoy their meals.
Can I bring my own food?
Unfortunately, we are unable to allow children to bring their own food unless due to medical or special dietary requirements. This is to enable us to keep track of the food that our children consume, should incidents such as food poisoning occur. Should your child have any dietary issues, do speak to the Principal to find out how we can support.
Can I bring breast milk?
Breast milk is only allowed for babies in our Infant Care programme. Our infant educators will warm it before feeding. For hygiene and food safety reasons, we are unable to store breast milk overnight at the centre.
Does your menu cater to children with special dietary requirements?
We offer 3 types of menus to cater to our children. They are our standard menu, vegetarian menu and allergen-free menu. Our allergen-free menu does not contain 85%-90% of the common allergens. If your child has any known allergies, please inform the Principal upon registration at your preferred centre.
Are your centres’ kitchens HALAL-certified?
Our HALAL-certified central kitchen supplies us with majority of ingredients for our meals. However, the centres’ kitchens in which these meals are prepared are not HALAL-certified at the moment. Do be assured that we strictly do not prepare pork, lard or beef in these kitchens.
We hope we answered your burning questions! Should you need more information, reach out to us at